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Diabetes UK

Diabetes UK are leading the fight against the UK's biggest and growing health crisis. . And it's a fight that involves us all, Diabetes UK's vision is a world where diabetes can do no harm.

Sam Blenkinsopp, our CAD Manager, embarked on a 10K walk with her loved ones including her wife Sabrina Blenkinsopp, father Darren Blenkinsopp and his wife Wendy, as well as her step-sister Nikki Carter. Supporting her were Rob Carter from Product Development, Tia Phillips from the Technical Department, and Steven James from Production. 

When asked about the motivation behind the walk, Sam revealed that her mother had been suffering from diabetes for years and that it had taken a toll on her. In an effort to support Diabetes UK, an organization that offers assistance to those affected by diabetes and supports research, the group decided to raise funds for this worthy cause.

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